Hi. You may need to use math.ceil to round up
Why add the trinary operator, opposed to just returning the expression in the parentheses?
Clean and readable. It annoys me in ruby that we have the follow pattern:
x = y do stuff x
wonder if there is a better way to think about it
I ran the exact (except for raise('error') vs 'ERROR') same code for Shell (calling ruby) and Ruby. Shell worked but ruby failed. The rounding makes this really annoying.
You’re welcome @wkirschbaum, glad to hear you’ve learned a few things on your way!
This was a rough one... hated it until I got it right, but learned some stuff on the way. thanks @duchess_of_objects
Loading collection data...
Hi. You may need to use math.ceil to round up
Why add the trinary operator, opposed to just returning the expression in the parentheses?
Clean and readable. It annoys me in ruby that we have the follow pattern:
x = y
do stuff
wonder if there is a better way to think about it
I ran the exact (except for raise('error') vs 'ERROR') same code for Shell (calling ruby) and Ruby. Shell worked but ruby failed. The rounding makes this really annoying.
You’re welcome @wkirschbaum, glad to hear you’ve learned a few things on your way!
This was a rough one... hated it until I got it right, but learned some stuff on the way. thanks @duchess_of_objects