All languages except CS must have random tests updated. Currently the tests have very low probability of generating True cases, instead the probability for True && False cases should be even. (Refer CS translations for info)
Am I missing something with the Python random tests?
System says these should all return True, but I'm returning False:
big bad by her thing work it child other come
get new try have I large see her as it will
there an come on number call
tell 3.15 take all high child their time life thing call
high same to ask group find life over year they 3.15
This seems like the system has a few of the answers incorrect.
Title is not that relevant. It is a good kata, but title needs to be changed to give a better idea of what the kata is about. Try to leave out political opinions.
All languages except CS must have random tests updated. Currently the tests have very low probability of generating
cases, instead the probability forTrue
cases should be even. (Refer CS translations for info)Take this top-voted solution in JS as an example of lack of test coverage
Am I missing something with the Python random tests?
System says these should all return True, but I'm returning False:
big bad by her thing work it child other come
get new try have I large see her as it will
there an come on number call
tell 3.15 take all high child their time life thing call
high same to ask group find life over year they 3.15
This seems like the system has a few of the answers incorrect.
A harder problem would be to take n number of districts in a Democratic stronghold, and draw them in such a way that Trump still wins. XD
No random tests in C#
Summing an array of values is not a novel kata idea.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
C++ translation
Too much instruction for such a simple problem, can be simplified
Title is not that relevant. It is a good kata, but title needs to be changed to give a better idea of what the kata is about. Try to leave out political opinions.
Javascript translation kumited.
more info on how to approve it ( or not )