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    Aha Ok Thank you, I didn't notice that.

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    A person on 1st floor called the lift.

    new int[]{0}, // 1
  • Custom User Avatar

    How come the last test showed the lift stops on the 1st floor?! there is neither queue nor a request to go for the first floor in the queue list?

       int[][] queues =
            new int[0], // G
            new int[]{0}, // 1
            new int[0], // 2
            new int[0], // 3
            new int[]{2}, // 4
            new int[]{3}, // 5
            new int[0], // 6
        var result = Dinglemouse.TheLift(queues, 5);
        Assert.AreEqual(new[] { 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 }, result);