thanks, it should be fixed now
crossover : Int -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
crossover : int list -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
Using (3..num) maybe better?
Rejected: the solution is trivial
Old test framework, old language version. Rejected.
This does two iterations where the solution can be found with only one.
modulo operation was expensive isn't it? it can be done without using module operation at all..
This is I guess the best answer
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This seems like a thing of beauty
Rust translation ready for review.
This is really fucking smart
Yeah, I have not got a clue from the description what I've actually to do.
It badly needs a decent worked example.
I thought I understood it until this line:
The transformed first chromosome must appear at the first position of the tuple. the second one at the second position. Therefore :
Crossover([]int { 1 }, []int {1,2,3}, []int {10,11,12}) should be ([]int { 1,11,12 }, int[] { 10,2,3 })
What is this saying ?
Loading collection data...
thanks, it should be fixed now
crossover : Int -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
should becrossover : int list -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
Using (3..num) maybe better?
Rejected: the solution is trivial
Old test framework, old language version. Rejected.
This does two iterations where the solution can be found with only one.
modulo operation was expensive isn't it? it can be done without using module operation at all..
This is I guess the best answer
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This seems like a thing of beauty
Rust translation ready for review.
This is really fucking smart
Yeah, I have not got a clue from the description what I've actually to do.
It badly needs a decent worked example.
I thought I understood it until this line:
What is this saying ?
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