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    Testing with 10 cups
    start: 0 swaps: 0,9,9,3,3,7,7,8,8,2,4,5 swaps length: 6
    Test Passed
    Nope! Expected 1.

    Console log of the params didn't change yet test expected two different results for same problem.

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    Testing is broke and does not support bi-directional movement

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    The test is broke. He made a comment last time saying he intentionally used the word 'swap' as it should 'imply' bi-directional movement but I guess somewhere along the lines he decided that bi-directional movement wasn't going to be supported.

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    @mtthw123 Glad implicit and explicit are two definitions. BTW there's a reason the words are two different definitions. Would have skipped this one if not for the discussion because implicit also means someone as has to assume. I guess you know what happens when people assume.

    To further illustrate your own example "implies" there only to be one direction of movement.
    For example, given the starting position 0 and the swap sequence [(0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 0)] Answer is 2

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    I don't know if you've been trying to fix the kata test but this is full of bugs. More than a few composite numbers you've erroneously you have evaluated as prime. Noticed it first at 81 and then over and over as I debugged your kata.

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    Just looks to be a bug he fails to respond to or fix. I also split with ' ' and then used Number() for each indice. All tests pass except his last one.

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    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Test Passed
    Should be a tie
    9 Passed
    1 Failed
    0 Errors

    I don't know what you're tests are for the submission but I've split the string with whitespace and explicitly called the Number method. All tests pass except your last one. I'd guess its a bug but don't have the time to debug it for you.

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    I add have to dissent that opinion. Just because people solved the problem doesn't mean it isn't extremely difficult to read. I went and ahead and skiped this kata exactly because of this reason. It's just too much bad translation for me to decipher the text to work the problem. Not worth the time. As far as feedback I'd say remove the all the story from the actual problem needing be solved.

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