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    When am I going to get honour points for contributing a kata translation?
    I did it over six weeks ago and I am still waiting.

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    Over a month after I contributed a kata translation I have not got any points from it.

    Isn't it ironic that I am getting more points from complaining about it than from the contribution itself?

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    Hey Jake,
    Any update?

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    over 2 weeks later, still no point for an approved kata translation.

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    Thanks JHoffner, but it is still very confusing.

    The breakdown does not show the number of honor points I got from solving that 3 kyu kata.
    The breakdown is not clear about what you get for each action, and when. Let alone the question of what is the number of points you are supposed to get for each action.

    No accountability means no honorability

    Last, my translation is approved and still no points for that.

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    The comments and translations explanation makes sense, but ...

    So, how long does it take for my kata points to be processed?

    Over 2 days since I completed the 3kyu kata and I only moved up one point since before I completed that kata.

    I still regard it as not honorable.


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    The honor system seem to not be honorable at all.

    5 kyu kata gave me about 13 points
    3 kyu kata gave me only one point.
    comments, suggestions and kata translations give me nada!

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    Apparently you just need to force the character encoding to 'utf8' (it is 'ascii' by default) and use the unicode method on the strings with special characters. I forked your translation to include this change and provide a faster solution.

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    The problem only makes sense in the context of integer numbers (n and m must be integer numbers).
    However, the random tests don't always use integer type, they use inputs such as 837461239.0, which is a float.
    That is misleading, and cause unnecessary headaches.
    Please be consistent, if the random tests are going to be float, then all tests must be.