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Rejected: This translation only provides the answer for the kata, but it is missing the codes for the example test and actual test.
Best solution yet
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
this seems to be a valid issue still:
It should work for random inputs too - Expected: '517999.99999999994', instead got: '518000'
@HerrWert mentioned that 2 years ago, not as an issue though and it was overlooked.
12000 + 1330 * 3 + 1 = 15991
. I don't see how getting the same score as the other user is identical to "beating them by 1 point".Report that as an issue, mark your post as having spoiler content (this a 7 kyu kata, but what you said can be abused) and state the language so a fix can be applied.
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Thank you
Because of that.
Last of Sample Tests seems to be incorrect:
["b", "c", "b", "a"], ["", "a", "a", "c"]), 0
array2[0]=== "" - gives 0
array2[1]!== array1[1] - gives -1
array2[2]!== array1[2] - gives -1
array2[3]!== array1[3] - gives -1
the sum shoud be -3 (0-1-1-1).
Colud you please state why it is 0 not -3?
your code 2 * O(n) ...
Solved by retirement (also the OP said random tests were not that important here).
I've just realized that random tests are not important in this case. As the main task of the kata is to "solve it with (at most?) 1 method" - this requirement should be tested, not solution's behavior. If you can write good enough fixed tests, it should be alright.
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