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    With s = "lpllmdokuhqokgkmwyrfuzzcjgozlkqiqmhgdmvopiqkdlppqxjwyiyvhbchfvvsr": 3 should equal 5

    Can anyone help me to find 5?

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    I took way longer than I needed to for this, because I thought those messages like " 'a' occurred twice" which were used for guidance, I thought was what needed to be returned. Only to find out it was much simpler than that. Maybe the comments should've had better separation from the expected results, maybe under the line or a tab spacing.

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    The task SPECIFICALLY says "The input string can be assumed to contain only alphabets (both uppercase and lowercase) and numeric digits." yet one of the tests contain non-alphabeetical or numerical characters such as (, [, {, }. ]. ).
    Change the description.

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    I myself and others count the duplicate occurences, not the amount of duplicates.
    Consider editing the details.

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    I'm absolutely unable to pass random tests for D. It tells me for example:

    Because text = "hHk7HB1sv1Bzh4tSDrwCvyqfJNvDPgdJ", duplicateCount(text) should equal 6. 7 is not equal to 6.

    But no matter how am I counting I'm unable to find a mistake. I'm looking for duplicate case-insensitive alphanumeric characters. What am I missing?

      1 1 1
      2 B B
      3 d D D
      4 h h H H
      5 J J
      6 s S
      7 v v v
    ^^  ^^^^^^^ ^  ^^   ^   ^ ^^  ^^  
    44  4216712 4  63   7   5 73  35  
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    C++ : is it so hard was give to helper function another name?

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    I suggest you create a performance version that can't be solved with brute force.

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    WHat is the input format ? Consists of only lowercase letters or any kind of characters? Do space separated palindromes or palindromes formed using mixed case letters count ?
    for ex : In string "I coulD am madl bb" , which is largest palindrome substring "lD am madl", "am ma" or "bb"

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