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    Thanks for the comment - much appreciated!

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    I learned quite a few ways for manipulating execution time from this kata and it's solutions, so I disagree with you here.

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    Given the variance in solutions I don't think it's that/completely pointless.

    People who don't know or recognize that a sleep can be used can learn about that. It's certainly different to a busy-wait.

    And the solutions are certainly varied, which can be interesting to look through - but is/should maybe not the goal of a kata.

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    Test.assertEquals(sumTimesTables([],1,10), 0, "Empty array");

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    Thanks for your feedback. In random tests, lists were actually passed as arguments instead of strings. This was not done intentionally, my oversight. Already fixed it. =)

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    I didn't do anything else than approve your kata. If there was any change, the culprit is probably a benevolent mod.

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    Approved at 7 kyu :

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    Or for olympiad for 13-year-old codes - it's taken from this year Ukrainian Olympiad of Informatics, 2nd stage (1st - school, 2nd - town, 3rd - region, 4th - republic stage). Pupils 7-11 grade take part, it means participants are 12-17-year-old. I proposed 6 kyu, please propose your own level :)

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    Hey, I used the word 'list' to refer to list as a concept, not the python keyword, I don't even use tuple or list in my solution, but instead an string version of it. I thought it would look more clear if I separated the chars with comas and parenthesis on the markdown, bad decision.
    The 'T' and the comma was a mistake. I will fix all things, thank you for the feedback.

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  • Custom User Avatar

    Thank you!

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    This is in a



    Lego Bricks have a value of 1 (2^0).
    Cat Food has a value of 2 (2^1).
    Intercontinental Ballistic Missile has a value of 4 (2^2).
    A Single Piece Of Paper has a value of 8 (2^3).
    John's gift has a value of 0, and Bob's gift has a value of 2 (because Cat Food has a value of 2). (Gift's value is the sum of all elements of that gift.)
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    Good point! The answer of 2 is correct, but the explanation is wrong. DOLPHIN is fine, because it is between DOG and EAGLE. I modified the feedback message to say "Remove BEE & ZEBRA".
    I also fixed the message in the next test case, which had a similar issue.

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    Oh. You are talking about single gift elements, not entire gifts. It is not ordered by the least desired gift element, but a whole gift.

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