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Kumite (ko͞omiˌtā) is the practice of taking techniques learned from Kata and applying them through the act of freestyle sparring.

You can create a new kumite by providing some initial code and optionally some test cases. From there other warriors can spar with you, by enhancing, refactoring and translating your code. There is no limit to how many warriors you can spar with.

A great use for kumite is to begin an idea for a kata as one. You can collaborate with other code warriors until you have it right, then you can convert it to a kata.


[1, 1, 2] ==> 2
[17, 17, 3, 17, 17, 17, 17] ==> 3

Subtle arr.reduce(:^) solutions dose not works on [x,y,y,y] fromat. Take a look at the Test Cases.

The key to problem was found, size of the array must be odd: Y^Y n times give 0, and 0^X gives X

# Find stray number
def find_stray(n)
syntax error here

This tries to address the problem observed in this Kata which tries to wrap the user function in the tests.

def replicate(times, num):
    if times <= 0: return []
    return [num] + replicate(times-1, num)

Basic idea for the new's timeout function to have an extra argument that prevents running the function right away.


[GNU Fortran] Free-format Hello World Program


Initially conceived in late 1953 and realized in 1957, Fortran (formerly known as FORTRAN, short for "Formula Transformation") is considered to be the oldest high-level programming language in existence. In its early days, FORTRAN was limited to scientific computing (such as calculating trajectories of missiles) and wasn't even Turing-complete due to lack of support for dynamic memory allocation which is a requirement for initializing arrays of varying size during runtime. Nevertheless, FORTRAN gained widespread acceptance in both the science and engineering communities and became the main programming language used in academia for decades. Most notably, the formulation of the first FORTRAN compiler paved the way for modern compiler theory and influenced one of the most successful and widespread programming languages of all time, C.

Modern Fortran standards and implementations (e.g. F90, F95, F2003, F2008, GNU Fortran) are believed to be Turing-complete. In particular, I have successfully demonstrated that GNU Fortran (an extension of the F95 standard) is indeed Turing-complete by implementing a full-fledged BF interpreter (which itself has been proven to be Turing-complete).

This Kumite

In this Kumite I will show you how to print out the text Hello World! (perhaps with a few leading/trailing whitespace) in GNU Fortran. In Fortran, a program is defined by using the program keyword, then giving the program a name (such as HelloWorld). At the end of the program, one should type end program followed by the program name (which is HelloWorld in this case). The contents of the program are placed between these two statements:

program HelloWorld
  ! Program code here.  Fortran comments start with an exclamation mark
end program HelloWorld

Note that Fortran is case-insensitve, i.e. HelloWorld is the same as helloWorld or helloworld. In fact, we can start with pROGRAM HelloWorld and end with END Program hELLOwORLD and the code will compile/execute just fine.

After we define our program, the first statement inside that program should (almost) always be implicit none. This tells the compiler that any and all variables declared by the programmer should be done so explicitly with a specified type instead of attempting to type-infer when no such type is provided. It is not an absolute necessity to add this statement but is added to 99% of programs as a best practice.

program HelloWorld
  implicit none
end program HelloWorld

Then, we use the print command to print out our text Hello World!. The print statement accepts a format specifier as its first "argument" (double-quoted here because print is not a Fortran procedure) which we'll learn about later but we'll set it to * in this Kumite which means "use the default settings". Any subsequent "arguments" passed to the print command are comma-separated. In our case, our only other "argument" is the string "Hello World!" so our program would appear as follows:

program HelloWorld
  implicit none
  print *, "Hello World!" ! Print the text "Hello World!" to the screen
  ! with the default formatting settings
end program HelloWorld

Note that:

  1. When the default settings * are used for the format specifier in the print command, Fortran is likely to pad the displayed output with one or more leading and/or trailing whitespace. We will learn how to get rid of them in the next Kumite.
  2. Fortran does not make a distinction between characters and strings - in fact, a string is declared as character type and an actual character is just a string with length 1. Due to this, both characters and strings can be wrapped in single quotes '' or double quotes "", e.g. 'Hello World!' is equally valid as "Hello World!" and "H" is considered equal to 'H'.
module Solution
  ! Please refer to the "Test Cases" for the actual Kumite code example - we'll learn
  ! about modules in future Kumite ;)
end module Solution

In my previous Kumite, we learned how to print out Hello World! to the console in Fortran. However, you may have noticed it wasn't perfect - the output has an unnecessary leading whitespace! So, the question is, how to remove it?

When the default settings (denoted by *) is used for the format specifier for print in Fortran, Fortran has to guess how much space it should reserve for the output which it usually overestimates, resulting in undesired padding of the output. To rectify this issue, we can provide our customized format specifier for print.

A customized format specifier for print is passed as a string and is always enclosed in parentheses (). Inside the parentheses, one or more individual format specifiers are separated by a comma , which may or may not be prepended/appended with one or more whitespace characters as desired. The individual format specifiers are as follows:

  • An (n is a positive integer) - a string of length n. For example, A10 specifies that the output contains a string of length 10.
  • I0 - an integer (of any size) containing any number of digits
  • In - an integer containing exactly n digits

There are also many other format specifiers for floating point values, logical values (known as booleans in most modern programming languages) and so on but we won't cover them in this Kumite.

Since we know that the string "Hello World!" contains exactly 12 characters, our format specifier for this string when printing it to STDOUT is A12. Hence, the full format specifier for the entire line of output should be (A12):

program HelloWorld
  implicit none
  print "(A12)", "Hello World!"
end program HelloWorld

This should print the output text Hello World! to the console without any leading or trailing whitespace as the length of the string (which is 12) fits the format specifier perfectly (A12). In the case where the value of n specified in the format specifier exceeds the length of the string, the output is padded with leading/trailing whitespace as required to make up to the given length n. Conversely, if the n in the format specifier is smaller than the size of the output then the output is truncated one way or another. This also applies to integers (and other data types).

module Solution
  ! See "Fixture" for actual Kumite content; we will explore modules in future Kumite ;)
end module Solution
Basic Language Features
Data Types

Constants, Variables and Datatypes in Fortran

In Fortran, there are a few intrinsic datatypes (known as primitive datatypes in other programming languages):

  • integer - An integral value such as 23 or -133. By default, an integer is 4 bytes (32 bits) long. Integers of custom size can be specified using the integer(kind=n) syntax where n is the number of bytes that the integer occupies in memory an can be either of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16.
  • real - A floating point value such as 2.0 or 3.14. By default, real is single precision (i.e. only 4 bytes long) but real(kind=8) is double precision (since it occupies 8 bytes in memory)
  • complex - A set of (two) floating point values representing a complex number. By default, both floats are single precision but complex(kind=8) holds two double-precision floats instead. Complex numbers are defined using the intrinsic function cmplx with two or three arguments, e.g. cmplx(3, 4) defines a default complex number (components are single precision floating point values) representing the value 3 + 4i
  • logical - A special type of value that can only ever take two values: .true. or .false.. Equivalent to a boolean in most modern programming languages.
  • character - A character (i.e. string with length 1) or character string. By default, it specifies a character such as 'C' or "0" but character(len=n) specifies a character string of length n instead.

Declaration of a variable must be done after implicit none and before any other statements. It takes the following form: <type_name> :: <variable_1>, <variable_2>, ... , <variable_n>. For example, if we want to declare a variable answer with type integer, our program would look like this:

program ConstantsVariablesAndDatatypes
  implicit none
  integer :: answer
end program ConstantsVariablesAndDatatypes

We can also define our variable on the same line as the declaration, like such:

program ConstantsVariablesAndDatatypes
  implicit none
  integer :: answer = 42 ! `=` is the assignment operator
end program ConstantsVariablesAndDatatypes

After we declare a variable, we can assign/reassign to it, use it in our computations and/or print it out as desired. For example:

program ConstantsVariablesAndDatatypes
  implicit none
  integer :: answer = 42
  print "(I0)", answer ! > 42
  answer = 100 ! Reassignment
  print "(I0)", answer ! > 100
end program ConstantsVariablesAndDatatypes

What if we don't want to change the value of a "variable" after initialization? We can do that by adding a comma followed by the parameter keyword to mark a "variable" as a constant. For example:

program ConstantsVariablesAndDatatypes
  implicit none
  real(kind=8), parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793
end program ConstantsVariablesAndDatatypes

We can then use it in our computations and/or print it out but not reassign to it:

program ConstantsVariablesAndDatatypes
  implicit none
  real(kind=8), parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793 ! Our PI constant
  print *, PI ! Prints something like "3.141592653589793", perhaps with leading/trailing whitespace
  ! The line below causes compilation to fail with an error
  ! PI = 2.718281828459045
end program ConstantsVariablesAndDatatypes

See "Fixture" of this Kumite for more examples.

module Solution
  ! Please refer to "Fixture" for examples, we will learn about modules in future Kumite ;)
end module Solution
Object-oriented Programming
Programming Paradigms

Fortran Modules

Fortran modules allow us to split our code into logical chunks across files, each providing a specific functionality and/or set of functionalities and allows us to reuse certain code files in different projects/programs. To create a module, a separate file should first be created. Then, in that separate file, add a module <module_name> statement where <module_name> is a placeholder for the name of our module. In our case, let's name it MyFirstModule. After that, we end our module by adding end module <module_name> on the last line and put everything else in between.

Our module now looks like this:

module MyFirstModule
  ! TODO
end module MyFirstModule

Same as in a program, the first statement inside a module should almost always be implicit none which disables type inference in the case of a programmer error (e.g. forgetting to declare a variable before defining/using it).

module MyFirstModule
  implicit none
  ! TODO
end module MyFirstModule

Apart from the fact that modules are not executed themselves (they are used in other programs which are then executed), they are almost identical to a program, with one major difference: No action can be performed in a module (at least at the top level). This means that you cannot use print statements among other things as you would in a program - you can only declare/define variables, constants and procedures (more on procedures in future Kumite). For example:

module MyFirstModule
  implicit none
  integer, parameter :: answer = 42
  real :: x = 0.0, y = 1.0
  character(len=12) :: hello = "Hello World!"
end module MyFirstModule

Then, to use a module in our program, we add the statement use <module_name> before implicit none:

program MyProgram
  use MyFirstModule
  implicit none
  ! TODO
end program MyProgram

Now our program will be able to see all of the variables, constants and procedures that our module has declared/defined. What if we want to hide the two reals x and y (because it is an implementation detail and not intended to be used directly in a program, for example) from the main program? To do that, we simply add a declaration private :: <variable_or_procedure_name_1>, <variable_or_procedure_name_2>, ..., <variable_or_procedure_name_n> to control its visiblity. Our module now looks like this:

module MyFirstModule
  implicit none
  integer, parameter :: answer = 42
  real :: x = 0.0, y = 1.0
  character(len=12) :: hello = "Hello World!"
  private :: x, y ! x and y are now private to the module itself
  ! and no longer exposed to the program using it
end module MyFirstModule

Finally, we can use the (exposed) variables/constants/procedures from our module in our main program as if they were defined in our program in the first place:

program MyProgram
  use MyFirstModule
  implicit none
  print "(I0)", answer
  print "(A12)", hello
end program MyProgram

See both Kumite "Code" and "Fixture" for the full code example.

module MyFirstModule
  implicit none
  integer, parameter :: answer = 42
  real :: x = 0.0, y = 1.0
  character(len=12) :: hello = "Hello World!"
  private :: x, y ! x and y are now private to the module itself
  ! and no longer exposed to the program using it
end module MyFirstModule

Just a quick test to see how Preloaded works with GNU Fortran on Codewars ...

module Solution
  use Preloaded
  implicit none
  integer :: n = answer - 42 ! n = 0
end module Solution
Control Flow
Basic Language Features

Fortran Procedures - Functions, Pass By Reference and Purity

In Fortran it is possible to define reusable sets of instructions that either perform a given action / actions or evaluate to a certain value (or do both) which are called procedures. There are two main types of procedures:

  1. Functions - These eventually evaluate to a certain value which can then be used by the caller. They can be pure (i.e. do not cause any side effects, more on that later) or impure (causing side effects and/or modifying the state of the program in the process).
  2. Subroutines - These only perform a given set of actions and do not evaluate to any value. Subroutines may also be pure/impure.

This Kumite demonstrates how to define and use a function.

A function (and in fact any procedure) can be defined in any module/program (it does not matter which, the declaration syntax is identical in both cases) by placing them at the bottom half of the module/procedure. To do that, the given program/module has to be split into exactly two sections using the contains statement/keyword in between. The top section contains all of the variable declarations and statements of the program/module, while the bottom section contains all of the procedure definitions:

module FunctionExample
  implicit none
  ! Top section - contains all variable declarations/definitions
  ! Bottom section - contains all function and subroutine
  ! (i.e. procedure) definitions
end module FunctionExample

Then, under the contains statement, we declare and define our function using a function declaration of the form function <fn_name>(<var_1>, <var_2>, ..., <var_n>). We end our function definition using end function <fn_name> and our function body goes between these two lines. For example, if we want to declare and define an add function that adds two integers, our module would look like this:

module FunctionExample
  implicit none
  ! Variable declarations
  function add(a, b)
    ! TODO
  end function add
end module FunctionExample

If you've paid any amount of attention to my previous Kumite then it should've occurred to you by now that Fortran is a statically typed language, i.e. each variable has a fixed type that cannot be changed at runtime. However, our function declaration shown above didn't assign any types to the parameters a and b (which we want to be integers). So, how to declare their types? Fortunately, it's very simple and straightforward - just declare them at the top of the function body like you would global variables at the start of a program/module!

module FunctionExample
  implicit none
  ! Variable declarations
  function add(a, b)
    integer :: a, b
  end function add
end module FunctionExample

In our add function, we would like to compute the sum of the integers a and b and return the corresponding integer value to the caller. Unfortunately, there is no return keyword in Fortran so how is it done? In Fortran we must store the result we want to return to the caller in a variable with an identical name to the function name which is add in this case. Our result is anticipated to be an integer so we need to declare the type of add as well:

module FunctionExample
  implicit none
  ! Variable declarations
  function add(a, b)
    integer :: a, b
    integer :: add
  end function add
end module FunctionExample

Then, we simply assign the result of adding a and b to add:

module FunctionExample
  implicit none
  ! Variable declarations
  function add(a, b)
    integer :: a, b
    integer :: add
    add = a + b
  end function add
end module FunctionExample

Now our function declaration/definition is complete and we can use it in our program as desired.

program MyProgram
  use FunctionExample
  implicit none
  print "(I0)", add(3, 5) ! > 8
end program MyProgram

Using a custom variable name for the returned result

What if you don't want to use the function name to store the returned result? For example, instead of add = a + b, you want to do c = a + b and have c store the result to be returned. All you have to do is modify the function declaration to function <fn_name>(<var_1>, <var_2>, ..., <var_n>) result(<result_var>) and subsequently the affected variable declarations:

module FunctionExample
  implicit none
  ! Variable declarations
  function add(a, b) result(c)
    integer :: a, b
    integer :: c
    c = a + b
  end function add
end module FunctionExample

Procedure arguments in Fortran are passed by variable reference, not by value or object reference

Unlike many modern programming languages such as C, Java or Python, procedure (and hence function) arguments in Fortran are passed by variable reference. This means that if you reassign the values of arguments within your function, the passed in variable itself will be affected.

module FunctionExample
  implicit none
  function add(a, b) result(c)
    integer :: a, b
    integer :: c
    a = a + b ! Argument `a` is assigned the value of the result
    c = a ! Result variable `c` assigned the new value of `a`
  end function add
end module FunctionExample
program MyProgram
  use FunctionExample
  implicit none
  integer :: m = 3, n = 5
  ! > m = 3, n = 5
  print "(A4, I0, A6, I0)", "m = ", m, ", n = ", n
  ! > add(m, n) = 8
  print "(A12, I0)", "add(m, n) = ", add(m, n)
  ! This segfaults
  ! print "(I0)", add(3, 5)
  ! > m = 8, n = 5
  print "(A4, I0, A6, I0)", "m = ", m, ", n = ", n
end program MyProgram

Therefore, in Fortran, one must be careful not to assign any new values to existing parameters (unless there is a good reason to do so deliberately).

Pure Functions

A pure function is one that does not mutate its input in any way and does not depend on and/or change the state of the program when it is executed/evaluated. Due to Fortran's pass-by-variable-reference, it is easy to make a mistake and mutate the value of argument variables passed in and therefore violate this rule. Fortunately, Fortran has native syntactical support for these types of functions - simply prepend the function declaration with the pure keyword: pure function <fn_name>(<v1>, <v2>, ..., <vn>) result(<rv>).

By explicitly declaring your function as pure, Fortran enforces compile-time restrictions on the type declarations of all the parameters to ensure that all parameters are declared in a way that their value cannot be reassigned. This means that we need to modify the parameter declarations by adding a comma, followed by intent(in) after the type name (and before the ::) - this tells the Fortran compiler that the values of the parameters are read-only:

module FunctionExample
  implicit none
  pure function add(a, b) result(c)
    integer, intent(in) :: a, b
    integer :: c
    c = a + b
  end function add
end module FunctionExample

Now we can use the add function with the guarantee that it will never mutate its inputs:

program MyProgram
  use FunctionExample
  implicit none
  integer :: m = 3, n = 5
  print "(I0)", add(m, n) ! > 8
  print "(I0)", add(3, 5) ! Works - no segfault :)
  print "(I0)", m ! > 3
  print "(I0)", n ! > 5
end program MyProgram
module FunctionExample
  implicit none
  pure function add(a, b) result(c)
    integer, intent(in) :: a, b
    integer :: c
    c = a + b
  end function add
end module FunctionExample