8 kyu

Sum without highest and lowest number

5,594 of 104,242user5036852



Sum all the numbers of a given array ( cq. list ), except the highest and the lowest element ( by value, not by index! ).

The highest or lowest element respectively is a single element at each edge, even if there are more than one with the same value.

Mind the input validation.


{ 6, 2, 1, 8, 10 } => 16
{ 1, 1, 11, 2, 3 } => 6

Input validation

If an empty value ( null, None, Nothing, nil etc. ) is given instead of an array, or the given array is an empty list or a list with only 1 element, return 0.



CreatedJun 23, 2016
PublishedJun 23, 2016
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