6 kyu

Mayan Calendar

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  • chaseh Avatar

    I've done some research that leads to me to believe this description of the mayan long calendar is wrong. 13 20 7 16 3 should be 14 0 7 16 3 and it lies on January 6 2415. The 13 baktun started on December 21 2012

  • JoeTrocken Avatar

    So maybe I am confusing two of the mayan calendars here but the two mayan date time converters that I found online BOTH stated that 1 January 2000 was in fact on the mayan long count calendar. And I believe that they are right because it adds to the whole '2012 end of the world' theory because would then fall on the 21 December 2012. Otherwise great kata!

  • Mercy Madmask Avatar

    In the description:

    13 20 9 2 9  # Mayan date 1 January 2000
    22 3 2001  # Gregorian date 22 March 2001

    This made me lose some time because 1 January 2000 is 13 20 7 16 3 instead.
    Both date are for 22 March 2001.

    • alexlostorto Avatar

      Just replaced "1 January 2000" with "22 March 2001"!

      My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused and thanks for completing my kata :)

      Issue marked resolved by alexlostorto 15 months ago
  • mauro-1 Avatar

    From random tests:

    '21 9 1999' should equal '-101 1 2000'
    • alexlostorto Avatar

      Hi! Thanks for taking the time to solve my kata :)

      I've just fixed this error with the random tests, "14 1 0 0 0" should have been the lower limit instead of "14 0 0 0 0" - now all random dates are possible.

      PS: Your code is actually better than the solution given by the British Infomatics Olympiad so kudos to you!

      Issue marked resolved by alexlostorto 15 months ago