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  • ejini战神 Avatar

    Issues below are not resolved...

    • Naming the kata as guess does not add more context to users when it comes to solving

    • Not providing any hints in description does not add more context to users when it comes to solving

    • Not providing sample tests to reveal some hints does not add more context to users when it comes to solving

    • Not providing fixed tests to reveal some hints does not add more context to users when it comes to solving

    Please refer to katas like these when writing puzzle katas

  • el-f Avatar

    So, because the regex pattern you expect is so basic you made understanding what it is the entire challange?

    I guess it could pass for a kata (not a fun one), but you need to actually name the kata and provide a description which explain this, or at least not misdirect. (since the pattern is not pattern relating to 'nothingess' or 'empty' strings but actually to the input numbers).

  • Mednoob Avatar

    So... you not gonna tell the input string or anything? That's not good. How will the user know which passes and which is not?

    • SmallWolfxDDD Avatar

      maybe he want user to find the solution from the result

    • Mednoob Avatar

      @SmallWolfxDDD that part I do understand that. From the blank description and no sample tests, I can directly conclude that this is a puzzle kata and I have to analyze the input to create the solution. The problem here is that I can't even figure out what the input to start figuring out the solution of the problem.

      Look at this: img

      The only times I can see the full input is when it fails. The tests directly show pass message on expected result.

      My code is: sol = r"^.+$" which captures the full input when ran with regex match method (Shouldn't be marked as spoiler since this is necessary for context of problem)

    • SmallWolfxDDD Avatar

      yes I get the same result when I use r'.+'

    • pea18013 Avatar

      Well, I can fix that.

    • pea18013 Avatar


      Issue marked resolved by pea18013 2 years ago