7 kyu

[BUG] XCOM-241: Genome mapper freezes

51 of 63hobovsky
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  • Blind4Basics Avatar

    'Might be a good idea to stress the fact that the second part is quite... an unexpeted bug, or something along that line...

    (edit: thing is, ppl rewritting it from scratch won't even notice the problem... Which is a bit "sad", sort of)

    • hobovsky Avatar

      I tried to set up the problem in a way that rewriting from scratch is not the first impulse. But yes, I get what you mean, and I think that people missing one part of the challenge could be a reason for the variety of difficulty votes ranging from 8 kyu to 6 kyu.

      But having ~8 attempts per completion on average, I'd believe it's not missed this easily :D

    • dfhwze Avatar

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    • hobovsky Avatar

      To be honest, I wanted the task to be very simple but still practical, and I meant it to be focused only on the performance aspect. But it looked to me too simple/not interesting enough and I threw in another "tricky" step. I am not bothered by people missing it, but now I have second thoughts and maybe mixing two things is not a right thing to do? Maybe leaving only the performance problem would still keep the challenge interesting enough?

    • Blind4Basics Avatar

      I think the idea is valuable, but the current context makes it pop in a "kinda out of the blue" way. The description focuses a lot on the perf problem, but not really on the fact there is a second bug to find/handle.

      sidenote: I'm not sure but, the first part could at some point break when upgrading the java version, couldn't it? (auto optimization. Or the fact you're tapping into the map is enough to avoid that?)

      edit: if you don't handle upper and lower case, it's possible less people will try to rewrite the code.

    • hobovsky Avatar

      I think the idea is valuable, but the current context makes it pop in a "kinda out of the blue" way. The description focuses a lot on the perf problem, but not really on the fact there is a second bug to find/handle.

      I think this nicely fits into the general 99 little bugs theme of bug fixing and software maintenance. The description also somewhat implies that correctness of the mapping was not thoroughly tested yet. But OTOH I can see how it might not fit well into the form of a coding challenge. I am trying out ideas here and checking out what can be done. What I could try to do better is to more clearly dress up the potentially unsuspected problem as an actual bug, a typo or something, and not just make it appear out of the blue.

      EDIT: maybe some comments would make the typo more plausible? Does it look any better now?

    • hobovsky Avatar

      This comment has been hidden.

    • vetalapo Avatar

      I've had similar bugs IRL. It's good to be aware of such issues, nice kata.

  • hobovsky Avatar

    I have a problem balancing difficulty of the problem with complexity of description. If you like the presented bug but don't like the setup, I'm open to any suggestions.

    • dfhwze Avatar

      There is no clear "Task" section.

      This looks to be the actual task. Maybe you should also state that the "research team" is the code warrior

      Only after the performance issue gets fixed, the research team will be able to move to the second stage of tests and verify correctness of performed mapping.

    • hobovsky Avatar

      I wanted to make the description structured like a ticket in a bug tracking system (JIRA or something). The Codewarrior is the assignee who just got assigned the ticket. The task is implied: resolve the ticket by fixing reported bug :)

      Maybe this idea is too forced and does not work well as a Codewars description. I will think of something tomorrow.

    • dfhwze Avatar

      then you could add a small introduction stating the code warrior is part of a research team and they received the following ticket ..

    • hobovsky Avatar

      I added a small introductory paragraph and slightly modified some wording. I am not sure if it's sufficient, and I will react to any incoming remarks.