6 kyu

Most Borrowed Books and Their Last Borrowers


The library management system uses two main tables - books and loans. The books table contains details about the books, while the loans table contains details about the loans.


  • book_id (integer) - The unique identifier for a book
  • title (string) - The title of the book
  • author (string) - The author of the book


  • loan_id (integer) - The unique identifier for a loan
  • book_id (integer) - The identifier for the book that was loaned, corresponds to book_id in the books table
  • borrower_name (string) - The name of the person who borrowed the book
  • return_date (date) - The date when the book was returned. If the book has not yet been returned, this field is null.

Your task is to write a SQL query that identifies which books have been borrowed the most from a library and who was the last person to borrow them. If there is a tie, return all tied books, sorted by book_id in ascending order.

The output should be a single row (or list of rows in the case of the tie) with row containing the following columns:

  • book_id (integer) - The unique identifier for a book.
  • title (string) - The title of the book.
  • last_borrower (string) - The name of the last person who borrowed the book.
  • loan_count (integer) - The total count of loans for the book.

The "last borrower" of a book is determined based on the return_date in the loans table. There are two possibilities for each loan record:

  • The return_date is null: In this case, the book has not been returned yet, and the borrower_name is considered the current borrower of the book.
  • The return_date is not null: In this case, the book has been returned, and the borrower_name is considered a previous borrower.

When multiple loan records exist for the same book, the following rules are applied:

  • If there is a loan record with a null return_date, this indicates the book is currently borrowed and the borrower_name from this record is chosen as the last borrower.
  • If there are no loan records with a null return_date, the one with the most recent return_date is chosen as the last borrower. This is the person who returned the book most recently.


Desired Output

The desired output should look like this:

18The Sun Also RisesXavier Durgan I5
20Bury My Heart at Wounded KneeMsgr. Tammara Batz5


CreatedJul 25, 2023
PublishedJul 25, 2023
Warriors Trained241
Total Skips22
Total Code Submissions836
Total Times Completed96
SQL Completions96
Total Stars9
% of votes with a positive feedback rating93% of 22
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes19
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes3
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes0
Total Rank Assessments4
Average Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
5 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
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