6 kyu

Analyzing Customer Rental Trends: Identifying Popular Movie Genres Across Multiple Months


You work for a DVD rental store that wants to understand which movie genres are the most popular among customers who have rented at least one movie during multiple months. By analyzing rental data over a longer period of time, the store owner hopes to gain insights into most active customer's preferences and identify trends that can inform their business decisions as well as which genres may be experiencing a surge or decline in popularity.

Your task is to write a SQL query to identify the top five most popular movie genres among customers who have rented at least one movie during the months of May, June, and July of 2005 (in each of these 3 months), regardless of whether they rented movies in other months.

  • for the sample tests, static dump of DVD Rental Sample Database is used, for the final solution - random tests.
  • by popularity is meant the quantity of rentals by the eligible customers, regardless of the period in which the rental was made
  • by genre- category.name from category table
  • List should be sorted by the quantaty of rentals from higher to lower and if number of rentals is the same - then by title of category alphabetically

Good luck!


customer table:

Column       | Type     | Modifiers
------------ +----------+----------
customer_id  | integer  | not null
first_name   | varchar  | not null
last_name    | varchar  | not null

film table:

Column           | Type     | Modifiers
film_id          | integer  | not null
title            | varchar  | not null
description      | text     | not null
rating           | varchar  | not null

film_category table:

Column      | Type      | Modifiers
------------+---------- +----------
film_id     | smallint  | not null
category_id | smallint  | not null

category table:

Column      | Type      | Modifiers
category_id | smallint  | not null
name        | text      | not null

rental table:

Column       | Type      | Modifiers
rental_id    | integer   | not null
customer_id  | integer   | not null
inventory_id | integer   | not null
rental_date  | timestamp | not null
return_date  | timestamp | 

inventory table:

Column       | Type      | Modifiers
------------ +-----------+----------
inventory_id | integer   | not null
film_id      | smallint  | not null
store_id     | smallint  | not null

Desired Output

The desired output should look like this:

  genre   |  total_rentals |
  Action  |  1035          | 
  Sci-Fi  |  1004          |


CreatedApr 21, 2023
PublishedApr 21, 2023
Warriors Trained307
Total Skips41
Total Code Submissions1005
Total Times Completed117
SQL Completions117
Total Stars14
% of votes with a positive feedback rating93% of 23
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes21
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes1
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes1
Total Rank Assessments5
Average Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
5 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
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