6 kyu

Gregorian to Islamic Calendar Converter

31 of 35hibrahimag1


We will be making a Gregorian to Islamic calendar converter. To find out more about the Islamic calendar, from now on refered to as the tabular calendar, visit this website.

Input will be a string with date format "dd/mm/yyyy". Output will be the same.


  • For the purpose of this kata we will say that both the tabular and gregorian calendar start at 1/1/1.
  • A tabular calendar year has 354 days, and on leap years 355.
  • A gregorian calendar year has 365 days, apart from leap years which have 366. If you don't know which Gregorian calendar years are leap years then you should solve this kata by BattleRattle
  • Like the gregorian calendar, tabular calendar also has leap years. They occur every 2 or 3 years. In this kata we will use the second intercalary scheme (second row in the table seen on the website) for a 30 year cycle. That means that in a 30 year cycle the years: 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26 and 29 are leap years.
year:     1,   2,   3,   29,   30,   31,   32
is_leap:  no, yes,  no,  yes,  no,   no,   yes
  • Months have alternating 30/29 days. First month has 30, second 29, third 30, ..., 12th 29 days.
  • In the gregorian calendar on a leap year a day is added to February (29th). In the tabular calendar a day is added to the last/12th month (30th).

Here are some examples:

date     |  f(date)
1/1/1    |  1/1/1
1/1/2    |  12/1/2
9/12/2   |  29/12/2
10/12/2  |  30/12/2
11/12/2  |  1/1/3
1/2/2022 |  21/2/2084

Don't worry about validating input, it will always be valid. Dates range from 1/1/1 to 20/10/2022


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CreatedOct 20, 2022
PublishedOct 20, 2022
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