6 kyu

One Line Task: What type is it?

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Regular Expressions
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  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Example tests should be repeated in Submit tests.

    Solutions that do not pass the Example tests can now pass the Submit tests.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar
    typeof [1,2,3] === "Object" -> true

    This is correct. If you want a different answer, you should specify it.

    • Lambdius Avatar

      I gave this example as a demonstration of the non-obvious behavior of the operators available in the language

    • JohanWiltink Avatar

      You are not addressing the actual issue. The expected results are unspecified.

    • Lambdius Avatar

      I will now add a table of expected responses to the description

    • JohanWiltink Avatar

      Examples are not specifications. A description should be complete and correct even if solvers skip reading any examples; examples should clarify, not specify. The problem with examples is they make solvers reverse engineer specs, i.e. read your ( author's ) mind. They are also not guaranteed to be complete.

      The table works, though it does not need to be this big and this specific ( Boolean primitive or object => "Boolean", etc., would work ), but the header should be something like "Expected results" instead of "Examples".

      Closing, though I still suggest changing the table.

      Issue marked resolved by JohanWiltink 15 months ago
  • dfhwze Avatar

    current votes (at 56 limit):

    • kyu 6 - 4 votes
    • kyu 5 - 2 votes

    let's see how votes evolve on 45 limit

  • dfhwze Avatar

    44 might be a better limit if you wish to further restrict. There are 3 completely different solutions <= 44 atm

    • Lambdius Avatar

      I was just thinking about this, but there were few examples of solutions in fewer characters. I will now change the limit to n <= 45