7 kyu

Steve jumping



Steve, from minecraft, is jumping down from blocks to blocks and can get damages at each jump. Damage depends on distance between blocks and block type he jumped on. The goal is to know if he survives his descent or not.

You are given a list of N blocks as strings, in the format 'BLOCK_HEIGHT BLOCK_TYPE'. Steve jumps from one block to the next, and get damages calculated with the following formula:

DMG = max(0, (DISTANCE - 3.5) * (1 - DMG_REDUCTION))

The distance is calculated as the difference between the height of the current and the next block. DMG should be rounded down to the nearest integral.


'D' --> 0 #Dirt block
'B' --> 0.5 #Bed
'H' --> 0.8 #Hay block
'W' --> 1 #Water block


Write a function, that returns the outcome for Steve:

  • If he survives, it returns 'jumped to the end with X remaining HP', where X is the remaining HP at the end of the array.
  • If he dies before the end of the array, it returns 'died on I', where I is the index of the jump he dies.


  • Steve has 20 HP at the start. If HP drops below or equal 0, Steve dies.
  • BLOCK_TYPE can be 'D' or 'B' or 'H' or 'W' only.
  • N cannot be less than 2.
  • BLOCK_HEIGHT[i] cannot be less than BLOCK_HEIGHT[i+1] and always non-negative integral.
  • All inputs are valid according to the rules.

Examples (input --> output)

['10 D', '4 D', '0 D'] --> 'jumped to the end with 18 remaining HP'     
    |      |      |
    |      |   The third block with height 0 and type D
    |   The second block with height 4 and type D
 The first block with height 10 and type D
 /*All blocks are type D, so DMG_REDUCTION will be 0 for all cases
 DISTANCE on the first jump will be 10 - 4 = 6
 DMG on the first jump will be max(0, (6 - 3.5) * (1 - 0)) = 2.5 -> 2 (rounding down)
 DISTANCE on the second jump will be 4 - 0 = 4
 DMG on the second jump will be max(0, (4 - 3,5) * (1 - 0)) = 0.5 -> 0 (rounding down)
 So HP in the end will be 20 - 2 - 0 = 18*/
['100 D', '50 H'] --> 'jumped to the end with 11 remaining HP'

['999 D', '0 W'] --> 'jumped to the end with 20 remaining HP'

['999 D', '0 D'] --> 'died on 1'


CreatedJul 20, 2022
PublishedJul 20, 2022
Warriors Trained434
Total Skips7
Total Code Submissions645
Total Times Completed165
Python Completions165
Total Stars6
% of votes with a positive feedback rating86% of 49
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes36
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes12
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes1
Total Rank Assessments12
Average Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
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