
Shift Excel columns (retired)

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  • Voile Avatar

    Random test headers display actual value instead of expected value:

    column: "FY", shift: 48 should return -1
  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Still a duplicate.

    • JohanWiltink Avatar

      You may not like what he says, but he's correct.

      Having a backstory or adding addition to the task does not make the kata novel.

      Whataboutism won't help your case either.

      You really should unpublish this kata before a mod does it for you.

    • Rick_C-137 Avatar

      I really apreciete every comments and report of duplicate or errors when theese are constructive, in codewars there are a many different kind of Fibonacci sequence, FizzBuzz etc.., with different approach or adding extra algorithm, and I think this kata could be one of those, I know that it could be improved to be more challenging or interesting, BTW if mods find this kata a duplicated there is no problem to be unpublish.

    • akar-0 Avatar

      Not only mods do... Yes there are many Fibonacci, etc. In fact there are way too many (see this), and many of them should be removed. That's a good reason for not adding even more and trying to be somehow strict. With more than 8000 katas it's getting naturally more and more difficult to find novel ideas. You should not take it personally. There's no need a new approach to solve this kata, I did not submit my solution because it's only a combination with slight adaptation of the two katas pointed out by FArekkusu.

    • Rick_C-137 Avatar

      Thanks akar-0 I understand, I'll try modify it in a way which create a new approach is needed

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Duplicate of this + this.

    • Rick_C-137 Avatar

      Some part of those kata's solutions can be used combined in this kata, but parameters and descriptions are not the same

      Issue marked resolved by Rick_C-137 4 years ago
    • FArekkusu Avatar

      The kata doesn't need to have an exactly same description, exactly same task, and exactly same parameters order to be considered a duplicate. Your kata has zero novelty, so don't just brush off the issue as if it doesn't exist.

    • Rick_C-137 Avatar

      Not only does this entail crafting a unique theme or backstory, but would ideally also involve a new, interesting approach to a problem. Maybe this kata has 0 novelty but not duplicated.

    • user9396321 Avatar

      If combining multiple techniques encountered in other kata into a new task isn't novel, then there are no novel kata on this site over level 6kyu.

    • Voile Avatar

      If combining multiple techniques encountered in other kata into a new task isn't novel, then there are no novel kata on this site over level 6kyu.

      Have you considered doing more katas before making this comment?

  • mwk48 Avatar

    ReferenceError: convertToTitle is not defined