6 kyu

VIN Checker

438 of 845lfhohmann
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  • Alexandre888 Avatar

    Really nice kata and concise, step-by-step description. Thank you!

  • ivc13 Avatar

    I'm getting this error: 8WXSY7WGXBM122383 should be invalid! expected:true but was:false When I run the code with my IDE I get true.

  • Davy_Bangor Avatar

    Liked this kata, it helped me reaqaint myself with array and arrow functions

  • ainsl.ie Avatar

    Thanks for creating a great kata. Quite tough for a 6, but very enjoyable!

  • Maukan Avatar

    I enjoyed this kata, thanks for putting it together.

  • rsschool_f78947060131757d Avatar

    I only fail Fixed Tests where I can see Fixed Tests. Input Validation Tests -> true Random Tests -> true

  • user9396321 Avatar
  • krischinx Avatar

    I liked this kata a lot.

  • vanytroyan@mail.ru Avatar

    I had a strange problem, I even output the value for modulus 11 for verification, so, comparing the check and what the program output was strange, that is, modulus 11 was equal to 3, and in place of the 9th number there was a digit 2, that is, they are not equal and therefore the answer should be False, but it was written in the tests that it should be True

  • GeekOut Avatar

    Is it just me or is this part of the instructions confusing? First line is clear, 2nd is not...to me. After some testing, it seems that the reference to 'digit' is the same as the reference to 'character' in the previous line. The different verbiage makes it seem like they are two different things.

    If the 9th character matches the modulus 11, the VIN is valid. Note: If the modulus 11 of the sum is equal to 10, then the digit is "X".

  • WaterBlade Avatar

    Fantastic Kata. I have learned alot doing this exercise that it felt like a project because it was really tough haha. Thanks for this Kata.

  • stellartux Avatar
  • zLuki Avatar


  • zLuki Avatar
  • zLuki Avatar

    Cool kata!

  • elevenpix Avatar

    I'm a bit confused. Test was ok. And when I clicked the Attempt button I got 200 or more passed tests and a few failed. Thing is it's showing that I haven't passed the first three tests! Aren't they the same as in the first "Test" instance? How can I find out what exact input was causing it? In Python.

  • anter69 Avatar

    This comment has been hidden.

  • Voile Avatar

    There are no mentions about input validation being mandatory anywhere.

    Also it's called "Edge Cases" in actual tests: wut? They're not edge cases, they're input validation tests. Calling them edge cases is misleading.

  • Blind4Basics Avatar


    • missing from the fixed test (both full test suite and sample tests): 6RSY30NPXLL354825 -> False
    • If the modulus 11 of the sum is equal to 10, then the digit should be replaced by "X" is incorrect: replaced by "X" => be "X" in the plate
    • as pointed below, a note explaining that the characters translating to - should be considered invalid should be added (the user shouldn't have to go look somewhere else to find the actual requirements), and this makes this sentence wrong: VINs are 17 characters long, its composed of capital letters (A-Z) and digits (0-9)...
    • (in the previous point, the sentence should actually begin with Valid VINs are...)


  • dfhwze Avatar

    How should we handle the number '-'? What are we to do about that footnote? We need to change the input and rerun the verification process?

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Input validation is not mentioned anywhere. The VINs must be exactly 17 chars long cases are poorly implemented as my solution passes them without any special logic. This solution replaces "I", "O", and "Q" with "0" which happens to work even though it shouldn't.