6 kyu

Array to HTML table

249 of 496David Gildour



The task is simple - given a 2D array (list), generate an HTML table representing the data from this array.

You need to write a function called to_table/toTable, that takes three arguments:

  • data - a 2D array (list),
  • headers - an optional boolean value. If True, the first row of the array is considered a header (see below). Defaults to False,
  • index - an optional boolean value. If True, the first column in the table should contain 1-based indices of the corresponding row. If headers arguments is True, this column should have an empty header. Defaults to False.
and returns a string containing HTML tags representing the table.


HTML table is structured like this:
  <thead>                 <!-- an optional table header -->
    <tr>                  <!-- a header row -->
      <th>header1</th>    <!-- a single header cell -->
  <tbody>                 <!-- a table's body -->
    <tr>                  <!-- a table's row -->
      <td>row1, col1</td> <!-- a row's cell -->
      <td>row1, col2</td>
      <td>row2, col1</td>
      <td>row2, col2</td>

The table header is optional. If header argument is False then the table starts with <tbody> tag, ommiting <thead>.

So, for example:

to_table([["lorem", "ipsum"], ["dolor", "sit amet"]], True, True)
toTable([["lorem", "ipsum"], ["dolor", "sit amet"]], true, true)


"<table><thead><tr><th></th><th>lorem</th><th>ipsum</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>1</td><td>dolor</td><td>sit amet</td></tr></tbody></table>"

As you can see, no linebreaks or whitespaces (except for the ones present in the array values) are included, so the HTML code is minified.

IMPORTANT NOTE: if the value in the array happens to be None, the value of the according cell in the table should be en ampty string ("")! Otherwise, just use a string representation of the given value, so, dependent on the language, the output can be slightly different. No additional parsing is needed on the data.

Additional info

For your convenience, there is a preloaded function esc_html/escHtml that takes a string with HTML tags and escape them; it is necessary if you want to use print/console.log on your resulting strings, elsewise Codewars processes HTML tags, so they appear invisible in the stdout.

Test cases will always provide valid data, that is - up to three arguments, first a NxM array (list) with N and M > 0, second and third a boolean. The values in the array will always be either string, number, bool or None/null.

For more examples, see test cases.

P.S.: I understand, that with larger inputs checking for mismatches in the expected and actual output can be cumbersome, but as of now I can hardly come up with something that would make this easier. Any ideas would be helpful!


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CreatedMar 27, 2020
PublishedMar 27, 2020
Warriors Trained1494
Total Skips21
Total Code Submissions2223
Total Times Completed496
Python Completions249
JavaScript Completions259
Groovy Completions4
Total Stars68
% of votes with a positive feedback rating91% of 136
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes115
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes18
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes3
Total Rank Assessments8
Average Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
5 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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