
Stone pile

7 of 15oybek
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  • vol1ura Avatar

    Can't submit my solution even though it passes all tests (test and attempt in JavaScript). I see congratulation and offering Submit when ready, but there is no Submit button.

  • user9644768 Avatar

    Sorry, but this is duplicate of already approved katas, here are some: https://www.codewars.com/kata/586e6b54c66d18ff6c0015cd https://www.codewars.com/kata/587387d169b6fddc16000002

  • JohanWiltink Avatar
  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    This comment has been hidden.

  • Unnamed Avatar

    Performance requirements seem to be inconsistent now. My old Scala solution times out, but a high level, unoptimized solution in Haskell passes.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar
  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    ( Scala )

    Needs more than 1 random test. Try 100.

  • ainr Avatar

    I have some problems with test case - "minDiff on random generated piles should be ok" Input: List(979860, 858272, 854452, 698901, 687688, 684485, 493090, 306875, 292611, 290339, 266237, 82990)


    Test Failed
    30064 was not equal to 2520

    I think the problem is in the test because my result is correct

    My result: first stone = 3232868, second stone = 3262932, and min diff number = 30064

  • Blind4Basics Avatar

    Java (at least):

    • make the reference solution private
    • do more than just one single random test. Put that inside a loop of 100 (note: warning with the size of the input, tho. 25 tests might be more reasonnable, if you wanna keep the current approach).
  • Unnamed Avatar

    The "random" tests are't dynamically random. This can easily be done again: https://www.codewars.com/kata/reviews/5d4955d52447aa000178de9d/groups/5d496b4257245b000127267d

  • oybek Avatar

    CW showing some solutions as wrong, even when they are passing all tests

  • xavierguihot Avatar
    • You should be able to remove package com.example.
    • It could be helpfull to specify what's expected for an empty list.
  • Unnamed Avatar

    Random tests needed.