7 kyu
Extended weekends
320 of 837KenKamau
If the first day of the month is a Friday, it is likely that the month will have an Extended Weekend
. That is, it could have five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays.
In this Kata, you will be given a start year and an end year. Your task will be to find months that have extended weekends and return:
- The first and last month in the range that has an extended weekend
- The number of months that have extended weekends in the range, inclusive of start year and end year.
For example:
solve(2016,2020) = ["Jan","May",5]. //The months are: Jan 2016, Jul 2016, Dec 2017, Mar 2019 and May 2020
More examples in test cases. Good luck!
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Created | Nov 11, 2018 |
Published | Nov 11, 2018 |
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