
Adding Logs (retired)

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  • Chrono79 Avatar

    I think power users should not be so hasty to downvote a kata if it's still fixable in beta (give the author some days to fix it). After all, that's what beta is for, to test and improve a kata. With opened issues it isn't approvable, so that's enough in my opinion to not let it in the wild with bugs or not enough quality.

  • Chrono79 Avatar

    Little typo in description emample should be example.

  • ZED.CWT Avatar

    Never directly compare two floating numbers or the kata would become guess what calculation the author is using because this will occur

    Expected: 0.7781512503836435, instead got: 0.7781512503836434
    Expected: 1.1132827525593785, instead got: 1.1132827525593783
    Expected: 0.25938375012788123, instead got: 0.2593837501278812

    You should use Test.assertApproxEquals(actual, expected[, msg]) or implement your own approx equal assertion function if 1E-9 difference is not enough.

  • ZED.CWT Avatar

    Needs Random Tests.