7 kyu

Simple equation reversal

1,289 of 2,890KenKamau
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  • truanthh Avatar

    description probably should specify there will be only integer numbers in test cases

  • saudiGuy Avatar

    python new test framework is required. updated in this fork

  • laurelis24 Avatar

    One of the hardest 7kyus.

  • takipipo Avatar

    The title of the kata is a trap lol. The definition of an equation needs to have an equal sign "=". The kata is more like expression reversal.

  • akar-0 Avatar
  • Don Thruff Avatar

    Great kata! This was fun.

  • romaxa11 Avatar

    Great experience! Thanks! But "simple" does not mean "easy").

  • nomennescio Avatar

    The C translation isn't a 7 Kyu Kata, it's more difficult.

  • trashy_incel Avatar
  • arthurabia Avatar

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  • Kadpw Avatar

    Those aren't whats called equations

  • Kaffe Avatar

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  • LegendPerry Avatar

    does regex work here

  • DestyNova Avatar

    A minor issue; I like to dump the function signature / dummy implementation into a large file on my laptop and work on it offline before submitting. But because you name all of the functions "solve", I have to rename them locally, then change them back to "solve" when submitting them here. Could you use more specific names for these functions in future? For example, "solveEqRev".

  • freeman42x Avatar

    I assumed that the symbol names could have been more than 1 character in length and that increased commplexity of the kata quie a lot

  • Blind4Basics Avatar


    the examples in the descirption are lacking there quote marks to be strings.