6 kyu

[BF] Sum 0 to N

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  • nietup Avatar

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  • sgkoishi Avatar

    Is it expected to output result in "decimal string"? The output is expecting "15" and my output is '\u000f'.

  • primo Avatar

    I'm ranking this a 7 due to the small input range. Had the range been 0 <= 255 I would have ranked it a 5.

    • iNont Avatar

      For small input range, it do not make the result to be overflowed 256. So that everyone can practice BF using this kata at the beginning.

      They can use this kata to find out how to handle with the convertion to plain number (I think this will be difficult for new leaner), so they will be able to solve more harder katas which is not only convert 0-255 (3 digits), like my BF N-th Fibonacci Number kata.

      Of course, there will be kata like this but bigger input range and it will be more challenge as you want.. =D,, I hope you will understand me.

    • Voile Avatar

      That's not an issue.

      If you feel this kata is too easy, you can always make a harder version yourself ;-)

      Issue marked resolved by Voile 7 years ago
    • primo Avatar

      Yes, it's not an issue. Just meant to be feedback.

  • Voile Avatar

    Perhaps you should add random tests ;-)

    • iNont Avatar

      As 0 <= N <= 20, so there are only 21 possible cases and the program has been tested with all of these possible cases.

      I fixed this by shuffled all possible cases :D

  • ZED.CWT Avatar

    You forgot to remove the dummy JS version