7 kyu

Kind Rem(a)inder

242 of 308kira-abl
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  • MGuad Avatar

    Hi, I made a Python translation for this kata. Please approve it.

  • Chidinma98 Avatar

    Why would it expect Arsenal in uppercase if the instruction said to return it in lower case if the max reminder is an even number. Here is the example below. [ 56, 120, 119, 11, 20, 20 ] 16 Expected: ''ARSENAL'', instead got: ''arsenal''

  • Souzooka Avatar

    I made a C# translation for this Kata.

  • Souzooka Avatar

    There are solutions, like this one which should not pass as the upper bound of the length of a and b is not specified and potentially infinite.

    My suggestion is to test bigger arrays of random size in the random tests.

    Edit: Kata specifications say "The lengths of the first two arrays will be equal, and the integers will always be positive", but the last fixed test uses [0, 0] as an array.

  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Can we have more than one random test please? Like, fifty or so?

    With a for loop that's not 50 times as much work, and it prevents hardcoded solutions. ( With just the one random test, a cheater has a 50% chance of being able to submit. Having to hit the Submit button, on average, twice is not a real deterrent to a would-be cheat. )

    • kira-abl Avatar

      Done. You are right. I still wonder, though, why do people cheat on CodeWars? I mean, what is the point? Isn't the whole idea to challange yourself and try to solve the problem?

    • Voile Avatar

      The point here is actually rather that a good test suite should:

      • Pass conformant solutions
      • Reject faulty solutions

      Failing to do the former properly is called a broken test. Failing to do the latter properly is still a broken test.

      People often just think about the former without the latter, but of course, as we know, tests that let everything pass is useless.

    • kira-abl Avatar

      There are now 50 random tests.

      Suggestion marked resolved by kira-abl 7 years ago
  • twypsy Avatar

    Typos on the description ...

    -The first two will always be arrays consisting of intigers => integers -Reminder instead of remainder

  • JohanWiltink Avatar
    • Missing a name of its own.
    • Missing random tests.
    • Missing example tests.
    • Missing kata #1.

    And this is not a 5kyu kata.