4 kyu

Simple Syntax Tokenizing

81 of 197AJFarmar


In this kata, you must create a function, called tokenise, which takes a string and turns it into a list of tokens. For example:

data Token = Token String | Brackets [Token]

tokenise :: String -> Maybe [Token]

tokenise "A + B * C" = Just [Token "A", Token "+", Token "B", Token "*", Token "C"]

tokenise "function a(arg, arg)" = Just [Token "function", Token "a", Brackets [Token "arg", Token ",", Token "arg"]]
tokenise(String) => [ String | [ String | .. ] ] // arrays may be nested and/or empty

tokenise("A + B * C") === [ "A", "+", "B", "*", "C" ]

tokenise("function a(arg, arg)") === [ "function", "a", [ "arg", ",", "arg" ] ]

This function does not reduce, and is completely ignorant of context. It simply splits up a string, as a sort of parsing precursor. However, it does understand parentheses. To demonstrate:

tokenise ", () +&" = Just [Token ",", Brackets [], Token "+&"]

tokenise "Mismatched bracket )" = Nothing
tokenise(", () +&") === [ ",", [], "+&" ]

tokenise("Mismatched bracket )") === null

A token can be either a series of alphabetical characters or a string whose characters are all one of !#$%&*+-/<=>@^_.,;. These can be thought of as 'identifiers' and 'operators'. Tokens are seperated either by character type or whitespace. For example:

tokenise "i++" = Just [Token "i", Token "++"]

tokenise "a b@c" = Just [Token "a", Token "b", Token "@", Token "c"]
tokenise("i++") === [ "i", "++" ]

tokenise("a b@c") === [ "a", "b", "@", "c" ]

More examples are given in the example test cases.

(Any translations would be much appreciated.)



CreatedAug 20, 2017
PublishedAug 20, 2017
Warriors Trained535
Total Skips78
Total Code Submissions1733
Total Times Completed197
Haskell Completions81
JavaScript Completions120
Total Stars46
% of votes with a positive feedback rating95% of 75
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes68
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes6
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes1
Total Rank Assessments8
Average Assessed Rank
4 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
3 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
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