
Vowel Changer (retired)

1,093 of 1,683K-Calderon-ASC


Create a function that changes all the vowels (excluding y) in a string, and changes them all to the same vowel. The first parameter of the function is the string, and the second is the vowel that all the vowels in the string are being changed to.

For Example (input1, vowel) => output:

("hannah hannah bo-bannah banana fanna fo-fannah fee, fy, mo-mannah. hannah!",'i') => 'hinnih hinnih bi-binnih binini finni fi-finnih fii, fy, mi-minnih. hinnih!'
('adira wants to go to the park', 'o') =>'odoro wonts to go to tho pork'

There will never be an uppercase letter as an input.



CreatedJul 25, 2017
Warriors Trained2316
Total Skips48
Total Code Submissions3718
Total Times Completed1683
JavaScript Completions1093
Python Completions616
Total Stars12
% of votes with a positive feedback rating92% of 324
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes277
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes42
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes5
Total Rank Assessments24
Average Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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