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  • Hydoc Avatar

    PHP translation kumited

  • 0xKillswitch Avatar

    Ummm... I think there may be an issue with the random test cases.

    st = 'Aqfexodf Znynryox A Xhxfteqc Rhovr Gd Fnam Lnxdm' 'A Gd Fnam Lnxdm Rhovr Aqfexodf Xhxfteqc Znynryox' should equal ' A Gd Fnam Lnxdm Rhovr Aqfexodf Xhxfteqc Znynryox'

    this pattern seems to carry over frequently with an extra ' ' before the expected string which.... is unexpected ? ig ?

  • XoRMiAS Avatar

    JavaScript fork

  • ejini战神 Avatar

    In JS: tests should not generate fixed length of 8 words only in string

  • saudiGuy Avatar

    python new test framework is required. updated in this fork

  • farhanaditya Avatar

    JS: Node v12 should be used enabled along with its appropiate assertion tools (Mocha + Chai).

  • Voile Avatar


  • JohanWiltink Avatar

    Not original.

  • cheeze Avatar

    javascript translation kumited (:

  • Voile Avatar

    Random tests always have an extra space after all the words, so there is actually an extra group of zero characters (which is probably out of spec).