7 kyu

Find Factors Down to Limit

522 of 1,080user5186


In this Kata you have to find the factors of integer down to the limit including the limiting number. There will be no negative numbers. Return the result as an array of numbers in ascending order.

If the limit is more than the integer, return an empty list

As a challenge, see if you can do it in one line



CreatedApr 18, 2017
PublishedApr 18, 2017
Warriors Trained1746
Total Skips41
Total Code Submissions2268
Total Times Completed1080
Python Completions522
Ruby Completions91
JavaScript Completions398
Crystal Completions13
PHP Completions127
Total Stars8
% of votes with a positive feedback rating87% of 238
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes184
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes48
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes6
Total Rank Assessments13
Average Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
8 kyu
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