7 kyu


1,192 of 3,573dinglemouse
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  • metatable Avatar
  • AbdallahSiyabi Avatar

    I love this kata, made me apply a simple regex :)

  • Just4FunCoder Avatar

    Python fork

    • Fixed test framework setup
    • Added assertion message
  • monkey_on_a_keyboard_1 Avatar

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  • pcordon Avatar

    Did this in C. So far, most of the katas I've completed by this author are apt challenges for beginners, but if you're into optimization and/or ninja-like brevity, you can also spend a lot more time working on a simple and elegant algorithm. It was incredibly satisfying noticing my solution was essentially the same as the author's. Love them! Keep at it, friend!

  • Torkel Avatar

    Needs tests for all examples in the description: ha = female => 1 Ha = male => 1

    Many solutions are wrong and do not work for a single "ha" / "Ha".

  • akar-0 Avatar

    COBOL translation. Since the limit size for testcase message is 100 in COBOL, I can only print the raw string (without even quotes) to be sure it is displayed completely in all cases :)

  • laurelis24 Avatar

    Not as easy as i tought it would be.

  • Don Thruff Avatar

    Great kata! Once I understood what I was supposed to do it was smooth sailing. The description was a bit confusing and the test cases only made it more confusing. I had to peek at the Discourse to find what was expected.

    I would highly recommend adding to the description that a bird may call out any number of "ha" or "Ha" in a row before the next bird calls out and no bird will call out more than once in each set.

    The first is sort hinted at in the description but could be much more clear. The second is not at all addressed and also helps to further clarify the first.

  • trashy_incel Avatar

    C translation 🐦🦜🦜🐦

    Note : the JavaScript version it was translated from has unit laughs of length 2 ("haha" or "HaHa"). This one is based on length 1 ("ha" or "Ha"), as I think you intended.

  • user9644768 Avatar

    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled.

  • user1326445 Avatar

    The image in the description doesn't load.

  • Souzooka Avatar

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  • Iron Fingers Avatar

    The kata says that 'HaHaHa' is male and 'hahaha' is female. Can someone please explain how 'HaHaHahahaHaHa' counts to 3? I'm definitely missing something.

  • GiacomoSorbi Avatar

    Python, Ruby and Crystal translations submitted :)

  • dinglemouse Avatar

    @SteffenVogel_79 thanks for approval.


  • myjinxin2015 Avatar

    HAHAHAhAhAhA strange bird ;-)