
Generate keywords

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  • Voile Avatar

    getShortText is never tested except in random tests.

  • Voile Avatar

    It is not specified how words with the same frequency should be ordered in getKeywords.

  • user6552504 Avatar

    The expected and actual values are reversed.

  • michielStaes Avatar

    Fun kata , however i feel like the instructions are not complete. 'most frequently used words in the text, then less used.' What if words occur the same amount of times?

    Also in your first testcase the word 'the' occurs 11 times but is not found in your expected result.

    • user6552504 Avatar

      To the description should be added: "Include only words 4 or more characters long that appear at least 2 times in the string"

  • Javalille Avatar

    A good subject of problem ... but seems to need more tests (random tests could be interesting way to avoid people (like me ;-D ) to 'circumvent' the solution.