5 kyu

Challenge Fun #14: Target Game

71 of 389myjinxin2015



In your favorite game, you must shoot a target with a water-gun to gain points. Each target can be worth a different amount of points.

You are guaranteed to hit every target that you try to hit. You cannot hit consecutive targets though because targets are only visible for one second (one at a time) and it takes you a full second to reload your water-gun after shooting (you start the game already loaded).

Given an array vals with the order of each target's point value, determine the maximum number of points that you can win.


For vals = [1, 2, 3, 4], the result should be 6.

your optimal strategy would be to let the first one pass and shoot the second one with value 2 and the 4th one with value 4 thus:

vals[1](2) + vals[3](4) = 6

For vals = [5, 5, 5, 5, 5], the result should be 15.

your optimal strategy would be to shoot the 1st, 3rd and 5th value:

5 + 5 + 5 = 15

You haven't shoot the 2nd, 4th value because you are reloading your water-gun after shooting other values.

Note that the value can be zero or negative, don't shoot them ;-)

For vals = [0, 0, -1, -1], the result should be 0.

For vals = [5, -2, -9, -4], the result should be 5.

Shoot the first one is enough.


  • [input] integer array vals

The point values (negative or non-negative) of the targets (in order of appearance).

  • [output] an integer

The maximum number of points that you can score.



CreatedFeb 22, 2017
PublishedFeb 22, 2017
Warriors Trained1792
Total Skips415
Total Code Submissions3120
Total Times Completed389
JavaScript Completions71
Lua Completions70
Haskell Completions38
PHP Completions27
Python Completions125
C++ Completions89
COBOL Completions6
Rust Completions12
Go Completions11
Total Stars57
% of votes with a positive feedback rating94% of 102
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes92
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes8
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes2
Total Rank Assessments5
Average Assessed Rank
5 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
5 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
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