6 kyu

Progress of a challenge

32 of 97MarcJensen
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  • ahmet_popaj Avatar

    Very interesting kata, quite challenging.

  • opolo.dao Avatar

    There are inconsistencies descriptions and tests:

    1. In details - "You are 3 ahead of schedule!" Test requirement - "You are 3 ahead of schedule." 2. In details - count only the item for completed months (i.e. for March check the values from January and February) and it means that for January you should always return "You are on track." Test requirement - process January as other months and suppose that we have 0 pledges requirements for January

  • markus.benko Avatar

    I have just re-read the description and still don't understand a word what I'm supposed to do with the three values. No offence intended, but there's no single sentence that makes sense to me but as there are 8 users who have already solved it, I'm not going to open an issue. Can anyone explain to me what exactly should be done here? Thank you. :-)

    • MarcJensen Avatar

      As I am not native speaker, probably the decription could be much better. I am open to any suggestions.

      The problem that I wanted to describe is about a possibility to check how well someone's challenge is progressing. Let's create an example. I've decided to do 100 katas in 2018. It's beginning of March and I solved 30 katas. I would like to get information how well I am progressing. With this short program I can get information that I am ahead of schedule with 12. Program parameters in this case are: 100, 30, March. I hope it somehow helps.

    • markus.benko Avatar

      I'm also not a native English speaker, maybe that is the reason why I didn't understand anything. Thank you very much for taking the time to describe another example, now I can understand the task much better. =) Edit: To be more precise my main problem was misunderstanding the "number pledged for a year" thing.

  • Voile Avatar

    Needs random tests

  • mmalkavian Avatar


    Python Translation here

    Please review and approve.

  • mmalkavian Avatar

    @MarcJensen: are you sure your test cases are right? I pass the example tests but I get some null pointer exception when I run the "hidden" test cases.

    More specifically:

    java.lang.NullPointerException at Challenge.checkChallenge(Challenge.java:20) 
    at ChallengeTest.testChallengeOthers(ChallengeTest.java:28)