7 kyu

Is that a real phone number? (British version)

686 of 1,383lucyrose93


Congratulations! That Special Someone has given you their phone number.

But WAIT, is it a valid number?

Your task is to write a function that verifies whether a given string contains a valid British mobile (cell) phone number or not.

  • If the string is a valid UK number, return "In with a chance".

  • If it is invalid, or if you're given an empty string, return "Plenty more fish in the sea".

A number can be valid in the following ways:

  1. Here in the UK, mobile numbers begin with "07" followed by 9 other digits, e.g. "07454876120".

  2. Sometimes the number is preceded by the country code, the prefix "+44", which replaces the "0" in ‘07’, e.g. "+447454876120".

  3. And sometimes you will find numbers with dashes in-between digits or on either side, e.g. "+44--745---487-6120" or "-074-54-87-61-20-". As you can see, dashes may be consecutive.

Good Luck Romeo/Juliette!

Regular Expressions


CreatedNov 2, 2016
PublishedNov 2, 2016
Warriors Trained2251
Total Skips29
Total Code Submissions7414
Total Times Completed1383
JavaScript Completions686
PHP Completions128
CoffeeScript Completions13
Crystal Completions11
Python Completions527
Ruby Completions92
Total Stars31
% of votes with a positive feedback rating92% of 315
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes267
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes43
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes5
Total Rank Assessments8
Average Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
7 kyu
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