6 kyu

NSA's Little Puzzle


A couple of months ago the NSA’s Facebook and Twitter accounts posted this image, alongside the message “Can you crack the code?":

alt text

After a week, people tried from converting the numbers to binary and then seeing if they could be converted to ASCII characters, also tried things like Homophonic ciphers, but nothing seemed to pan out, and the reason that was the case was revealed with the second image, which was posted with the message “Have you heard of an OTP?”:

alt text

An OTP is a One-time pad, which is information-theoretically secure. That is, when properly used, an adversary doesn’t have enough information to break the encryption. When they are broken it is from the reuse of the same OTP, which can allow for a frequency analysis attack.

So, that brings us to solving the NSA’s little puzzle. With both the cipher text and the key available to us, can you crack the code and find the actual message?

The solution already declared the cipherText and the Key from the pictures for you.

Source: Inspired from NSA puzzle and Eric Brandel Blog


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CreatedOct 5, 2016
PublishedOct 5, 2016
Warriors Trained284
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