6 kyu

I guess this is a 6kyu kata #5: Whac-A-Mole

117 of 225myjinxin2015



Let's play the game "Whac-A-Mole". Give you an 2D array:


The meaning of numbers in the array is that the mole will disappear after n seconds(0 means no mole). You are holding a big hammer and every second can hit two moles. Please calculate the maximum number of moles you can hit.

In accordance with the above example:


After 1 second(hit 2, total=2)

After 2 seconds(hit 2, total=4)

After 3 seconds(hit 2, total=6)

After 4 seconds(hit 2, total=8)

After 5 seconds(hit 2, total=10)

After 6 seconds(hit 1, total=11)

We hit a total of 11 moles.

Another example:


After 1 second(hit 2, total=2)

After 2 second(hit 2, total=4)

After 3 second(hit 2, total=6)

After 4 second(hit 2, total=8)

After 5 second(hit 1, total=9)

We hit a total of 9 moles.

OK, that's all. I guess this is a 6kyu kata. If you agree, please rank it as 6kyu and vote very;-) If you think this kata is too easy or too hard, please shame me by rank it as you want and vote somewhat or none :[


Complete function whacAMole that accepts a argument arr, return the maximum number of moles you can hit.



CreatedSep 9, 2016
PublishedSep 9, 2016
Warriors Trained583
Total Skips28
Total Code Submissions977
Total Times Completed225
JavaScript Completions117
Python Completions119
Haskell Completions6
Total Stars13
% of votes with a positive feedback rating95% of 77
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes70
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes7
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes0
Total Rank Assessments5
Average Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Highest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
Lowest Assessed Rank
6 kyu
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