8 kyu

Polish alphabet

5,832 of 10,271skibinska


There are 32 letters in the Polish alphabet: 9 vowels and 23 consonants.

Your task is to change the letters with diacritics:

ą -> a,
ć -> c,
ę -> e,
ł -> l,
ń -> n,
ó -> o,
ś -> s,
ź -> z,
ż -> z

and print out the string without the use of the Polish letters.

For example:

"Jędrzej Błądziński"  -->  "Jedrzej Bladzinski"

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CreatedAug 10, 2016
PublishedAug 10, 2016
Warriors Trained16742
Total Skips479
Total Code Submissions26684
Total Times Completed10271
JavaScript Completions5832
Python Completions4338
Ruby Completions255
Groovy Completions11
Total Stars179
% of votes with a positive feedback rating91% of 1486
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes1248
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes197
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes41
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