7 kyu
Valid HK Phone Number
569 of 1,311donaldsebleung
Valid HK Phone Number
In Hong Kong, a valid phone number has the format xxxx xxxx
where x
is a decimal digit (0-9). For example:
"1234 5678"
// is valid
"2359 1478"
// is valid
// invalid, as there are no spaces separating the first 4 and last 4 digits
"3857 4756"
// invalid; there should be exactly 1 whitespace separating the first 4 and last 4 digits respectively
// clearly invalid
" 1234 5678 "
// is NOT a valid phone number but CONTAINS a valid phone number
"skldfjs287389274329dklfj84239029043820942904823480924293042904820482409209438dslfdjs9345 8234sdklfjsdkfjskl28394723987jsfss2343242kldjf23423423SDLKFJSLKsdklf"
// also contains a valid HK phone number (9345 8234)
Define two functions that return
s whether a given string is a valid HK phone number and contains a valid HK phone number respectively (i.e. true/false
If in doubt please refer to the example tests.
Regular Expressions
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