7 kyu

Valid HK Phone Number

569 of 1,311donaldsebleung


Valid HK Phone Number


In Hong Kong, a valid phone number has the format xxxx xxxx where x is a decimal digit (0-9). For example:

"1234 5678" 
// is valid

"2359 1478" 
// is valid

// invalid, as there are no spaces separating the first 4 and last 4 digits

"3857  4756" 
// invalid; there should be exactly 1 whitespace separating the first 4 and last 4 digits respectively

// clearly invalid

"     1234 5678   " 
// is NOT a valid phone number but CONTAINS a valid phone number

"skldfjs287389274329dklfj84239029043820942904823480924293042904820482409209438dslfdjs9345 8234sdklfjsdkfjskl28394723987jsfss2343242kldjf23423423SDLKFJSLKsdklf" 
// also contains a valid HK phone number (9345 8234)


Define two functions that returns whether a given string is a valid HK phone number and contains a valid HK phone number respectively (i.e. true/false values).

If in doubt please refer to the example tests.

Regular Expressions


CreatedMar 25, 2016
PublishedMar 25, 2016
Warriors Trained2355
Total Skips139
Total Code Submissions5511
Total Times Completed1311
JavaScript Completions569
Ruby Completions121
Python Completions638
Total Stars38
% of votes with a positive feedback rating88% of 281
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes223
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Total "Not Satisfied" Votes11
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