7 kyu

Cyclops numbers

1,418 of 2,610Nmistrata


A cyclops number is a number in binary that is made up of all 1's, with one 0 in the exact middle. That means all cyclops numbers must have an odd number of digits for there to be an exact middle.
A couple examples:
You must take an input, n, that will be in decimal format (base 10), then return True if that number wil be a cyclops number when converted to binary, or False if it won't.
Assume n will be a positive integer.

A test cases with the process shown:

cyclops (5)
"""5 in biinary"""
"""because 101 is made up of all "1"s with a "0" in the middle, 101 is a cyclops number"""
return True

"""13 in binary"""
"""because 1101 has an even number of bits, it cannot be a cyclops"""
return False

"""17 in binary"""
"""Because 10001 has more than 1 "0" it cannot be a cyclops number"""
return False

n will always be > 0.



CreatedFeb 2, 2016
PublishedFeb 2, 2016
Warriors Trained4381
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