7 kyu

Next Featured Number Higher than a Given Value

452 of 925raulbc777
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  • saudiGuy Avatar

    python new test framework is required. updated in this fork

  • Infuzibil Avatar

    Kata description should explicitely mention the max allowed value and the message to be returned in that case.

  • Unnamed Avatar

    Ruby 3:

    ./spec/solution_spec.rb:18:in `ans': uninitialized constant Set (NameError)

  • 66  Avatar

    Please review: C++ Translation

  • ejini战神 Avatar
    • JS Node 14. should be enabled

    • Initial solution setup should be return 0

    • Unnecessary logs should be removed

  • ejini战神 Avatar
    • Python new test framework should be used

    • Initial solution setup should be return 0

  • ejini战神 Avatar
    • Description should be language-agnostic

    • Should also explain the case for no requirements met instead of mentioning it through example tests only

  • oldcoder Avatar

    good kata

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Python 3 should be enabled.

  • vinhloc30796 Avatar

    I know my submission was not correct at all, but it passed the test anyways. I think we need a mathematical proof for this kata. Something like, there exists an y value so that if val < x < val + y, there will always be an x value that satisfies the instruction.

  • Adrian1707 Avatar

    Another Kata, another timing issue. I'm left once again with "Process was terminated. It took longer than 6000ms to complete". My code is simply 6 lines and uses 1 loop. I've also timed my kata and the average time it takes to run on my own machine is 1.1 millisecond. Many other times is 0.6 milliseconds. What gives?

  • LesRamer Avatar

    Suggestion: Add tests for large numbers with lots of duplicated digits. For example: 9000000000

    Doing so would almost certainly cause my solution (and perhaps many others) to timeout looking for an answer - thereby requiring a smarter solution.

  • matt c Avatar

    Javascript template is broken!

  • NaMe613 Avatar

    Ruby translation kumited.

  • smile67 Avatar

    Is "0" odd? 99 -> 105 (105 contains 0, so isn't it 135?)