7 kyu

Working with Dictionaries

271 of 372raulbc777
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Data Structures
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  • RealKenshiro Avatar

    Still :

    KeyError: 1007

  • ejini战神 Avatar

    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled

  • ejini战神 Avatar
    • JS Node 14. should be enabled

    • Parameter name should be camelCase

  • bouchert Avatar

    4 years ago, Caders raised an issue in the Python version. The tests use randint(900, 1007) which chooses a random integer from 900 to 1007 inclusive. This is a problem, because the supplied A001055 dict only goes up to 1006. cliffstamp marked it resolved, saying it appeared to be fixed in Ruby. It is still not fixed in Python.

  • user9644768 Avatar

    Please use new python test framework.

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    The description is poorly formatted.

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Python 3 should be enabled.

  • Caders Avatar

    There is an issue with the testing that happened to me.

    I'm unsure if it can be changed at this point in the kata's life, but:

    You have a random testcase generate randint(900, 1007).

    The randint() function includes the value 1007, which isn't in A001055.

    A minor, and very hard issue to catch, but I experienced it.

    Thanks! :D

  • Unnamed Avatar

    I don't think "higher and equals to" is correct. Techninally, it's a valid condition, but the result would be empty, since no number is higher than another and equals to it at the same time.

  • TheKid Avatar

    The description of the task could be more clear. To be honest, I didn't understand what this kata is about until I saw it explained by examples. Also, in the text there were some mistakes steming from the lack of fluency in English. Nothing huge but I would advise getting some native English speaker as a proofreader. But all in all an interesting kata. Good idea!

  • ChristianECooper Avatar

    The supplied test cases have got a typo in them at line 22:

    str_: "lower than" should be str_ = "lower than"

    Other than that, nice kata. :)

  • NaMe613 Avatar

    The description states:

    (1) - an array ```[a, b]```, that represents the numbers in the range ```(a, b)``` to be studied, ```a``` and ```b``` included.

    while the tests expect a to (b + 1) included