6 kyu

Tortoise racing

8,101 of 31,614g964


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CreatedAug 30, 2015
PublishedAug 30, 2015
Warriors Trained101148
Total Skips28925
Total Code Submissions374219
Total Times Completed31614
Ruby Completions1054
Python Completions8101
JavaScript Completions7611
Haskell Completions369
Java Completions4209
C# Completions1813
Clojure Completions222
CoffeeScript Completions36
C++ Completions2372
PHP Completions1240
Crystal Completions27
F# Completions106
C Completions1063
TypeScript Completions806
Rust Completions638
Swift Completions396
Go Completions1043
R Completions131
Nim Completions32
Shell Completions86
OCaml Completions36
Kotlin Completions570
Groovy Completions38
Fortran Completions14
Elixir Completions121
Julia Completions63
Scala Completions179
PowerShell Completions56
Reason Completions8
Racket Completions40
Pascal Completions17
Lua Completions92
Perl Completions18
Elm Completions4
COBOL Completions9
D Completions10
Erlang Completions10
Prolog Completions11
Total Stars1433
% of votes with a positive feedback rating69% of 4292
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes2366
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes1176
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes750
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