6 kyu

FLAMES Game version 1

191 of 292niczm25
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  • lechevalier Avatar

    Description has to state explicitly what to do with names with multiple occurences of common letters.
    Take the following example:

    show_relationship('KEVIN', 'ANN') == "Enemies"
    KEVIN and ANN have character `N` in common.
    You must cross out all Ns in both names: 1 in KEVI~N~ and 2 in A~NN~.
    After this step, only 5 letters remain.
    • tobeannouncd Avatar

      Additionally, the return value is unspecified if all of the letters are shared between the two names (such as LIAM/MILA, CLAY/LACY, ROAN/NORA, etc.).

      Based on the reference solution, "Siblings" should be returned, but the description uses 1-based indexing, meaning that an index of 0 should be undefined.

    • lechevalier Avatar

      Not really the same issue.
      For yours, you just have to consider it goes back to 6.
      Even negative indexes could be defined that way.

  • NikoyNikoy Avatar

    I think there's a problem with the randomized test. Cause it says on the log: HSREBQTK FLLCG 13 1 We get the value 1 which obviously corresponds to "Friendship" but an error occurs and says: expected:<[Siblings]> but was:<[Friendship]> although on previous randomized test with the same result: KRK BOOZJDTZVI 13 1 There is no error Please fix this.

  • ALYIP Avatar

    What happens if the total remaining characters > 6 ?

  • idubrov Avatar

    You really need randomized tests to make all these hard-coded implementations to fail.

  • turbo_lag Avatar

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    • ThomFabian Avatar

      Indeed, and in fact what is the expected outcome of that?

      Since the F is counted as the first step, what should we consider "step 0"?

  • toni.g.m Avatar

    Two test cases don't seem to evaluate properly.

  • ChristianECooper Avatar

    I've added a Python translation!

  • ChristianECooper Avatar

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    • niczm25 Avatar

      i thing your 1st minor problem is already stated in First and Second instruction?
      First, cross out what letter(s) the names have in common. Second, remove the cross out letter on both names.

      i really dont get the second minor issue you said, can you please elaborate more.

      btw, thank you for the opinion you have discussed here.

    • ChristianECooper Avatar

      The first problem is that the language is not clear, so if you changed:

      "First, cross out what letter(s) the names have in common." 


      "First, cross out all letter(s) the names have in common."

      The second problem was this, you describe "S" as "S = Siblings (Sister/ Brother)", do I return Siblings or Siblings (Sister/ Brother)?

    • niczm25 Avatar

      got that, thanks.

  • vferries Avatar

    One s is missing at Sibling__s__.