6 kyu

Word a10n (abbreviation)

4,915 of 12,341wthit56


The word i18n is a common abbreviation of internationalization in the developer community, used instead of typing the whole word and trying to spell it correctly. Similarly, a11y is an abbreviation of accessibility.

Write a function that takes a string and turns any and all "words" (see below) within that string of length 4 or greater into an abbreviation, following these rules:

  • A "word" is a sequence of alphabetical characters. By this definition, any other character like a space or hyphen (eg. "elephant-ride") will split up a series of letters into two words (eg. "elephant" and "ride").
  • The abbreviated version of the word should have the first letter, then the number of removed characters, then the last letter (eg. "elephant ride" => "e6t r2e").


abbreviate("elephant-rides are really fun!")
//          ^^^^^^^^*^^^^^*^^^*^^^^^^*^^^*
// words (^):   "elephant" "rides" "are" "really" "fun"
//                123456     123     1     1234     1
// ignore short words:               X              X

// abbreviate:    "e6t"     "r3s"  "are"  "r4y"   "fun"
// all non-word characters (*) remain in place
//                     "-"      " "    " "     " "     "!"
=== "e6t-r3s are r4y fun!"


CreatedMay 16, 2014
PublishedMay 16, 2014
Warriors Trained41417
Total Skips11506
Total Code Submissions146064
Total Times Completed12341
JavaScript Completions4915
Haskell Completions306
Python Completions3773
Ruby Completions933
Java Completions1767
C# Completions849
Factor Completions9
TypeScript Completions117
Total Stars1002
% of votes with a positive feedback rating90% of 1579
Total "Very Satisfied" Votes1318
Total "Somewhat Satisfied" Votes218
Total "Not Satisfied" Votes43
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