6 kyu

Atbash Cipher Helper

333 of 646jacobb
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Object-oriented Programming
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  • hobovsky Avatar

    This kata is a subject to deduplication process here: https://github.com/codewars/content-issues/issues/203.
    Please join the discussion to help us identify duplicate kata and retire them.

  • ejini战神 Avatar
    • Node 12 should be enabled (Refer this and this for more info)

    • Ruby 3.0 should be enabled (Refer this & this for more detail)

  • FArekkusu Avatar

    Why is the description talking about Hebrew specifically? Hebrew alphabet, "viewing the text", "writing RTL", "alternate forms" has nothing to do with the task.

  • donaldsebleung Avatar

    PHP Translation Kumited - please accept or fork (to add mbstring functions) and then accept :D

  • bkaes Avatar

    Add more alphabets in the example test cases, e.g. one with upper case characters, one where only A and O are in there, one with hebrew characters.

  • donaldsebleung Avatar

    Javascript version of Kata needs random test cases.

  • skidzior Avatar

    Error in testes - encode 'CODEWARS', expected answer - 'CODEWARS', when given alphabet is lowercase latin alphabet - expected answer should be an empty string.

  • Emily Avatar

    I think there is test case error, please help to check: encodeCODEWARS //this is my console log information which contains current funtion name and the str. Expected: CODEWARS, instead got: XLWVDZIH

    For decode(CODEWARS), the expected should be 'XLWVDZIH'.

  • cwl97045 Avatar

    Potential issue, testcase for encoding 'CODEWARS' appears to expect 'CODEWARS' as the return value. Am I missing something?

  • jacobb Avatar

    jhoffner, I'm pretty sure this is ready.

  • wengzilla Avatar

    The last test case is broken, I think... CODEWARS should not encode to CODEWARS...

  • mlabrum Avatar

    The details need to include a description of what should be done. What are the expected inputs and outputs? What is this class supposed to do? Things like that need to be added.

    As an example, I initially didn't understand what @abc was for, and only realized what this class was supposed to do when I added in some 'puts' statements. Until then, I was trying to hard-code the Latin and Hebrew alphabets and refer to them in the encode method. Once I understood @abc, this was really easy. Having that described in the details, or even calling it something more informative like @inputted_alphabet, would have saved me an embarrassingly large amount of time.

  • wthit56 Avatar

    Not sure what the right-to-left stuff was about... I didn't use charAt, and my code passed just fine. Am I missing something here?

  • OverZealous Avatar

    It feels like the whole RTL/LTR thing is just a red herring, and maybe that's the point.

    This is literally a simple substitution cipher, and pretty much duplicates the existing substitution cipher you've already published.

  • jacobb Avatar

    Lessons learned from creating this kata: dealing with RTL text is a pain because systems either don't acknowledge it. When mixing it with LTR text, backspace and highlighting get messed up. copy/paste is weird too.